Tag Archives: school

Tips for a Smooth Transition Back to School

Getting back into the school routine after a more relaxed summer timetable can be challenging for both parents and kids. While many moms and dads look forward to having more structured time for their multiples, the school year demands that the whole family get back into a more rigid schedule—which has its pluses and minuses. If your multiples are beginning kindergarten, this is an exciting and memorable time that requires a bit more focus and attention to the emotional details […]


What’s on the Walls?

For those of you who are deciding upon a preschool placement for your twins, I want to share this beautiful article about what to look for when you visit different locations. Susan North, the author of this blog, is a parent educator who specializes in modeling mediation techniques and language to mitigate and manage conflict between children and their siblings, friends, and parents. The article was originally posted on her blog page and is reprinted here with permission. February 3, […]
