Category Archives: Uncategorized

Psychotherapy and Pilates: Parallel Practices

Although my blog posts usually address specific dynamics between twins, I have been thinking lately about the parallel between thetwin practices of psychotherapy and Pilates. I am not someone who loves exercise—in fact, quite the opposite. My friends and family know not to ask me to accompany them on a hike. I do enjoy nature—but primarily from a sedentary vantage point. Nonetheless, I do love Pilates. Although I spent ten years with one teacher and discovered that I had not […]


When Your Twin Becomes Your Child

Inauspicious circumstances frequently arise when twins chronically adopt the roles of cared-for twin and caretaker twin. In many cases, this dynamic can evolve without any conscious awareness. It appears to originate organically from each twin’s personality and role in the family. Some people believe that this paradigm begins in utero and increases exponentially as the twins mature. The pattern of one twin assuming a parental role toward her sibling is more likely to occur if one of the pair suffers […]


Haiku Poems: Twin Trauma

An identical twin recently contacted me for help with working through some issues with her sister. She wrote a series of poems to express the betrayal and sadness evoked by a rupture with her twin and graciously granted me permission to share these haikus. I’m always there for youYou take me for grantedA stab in my heart Best friend? Not clear nowYou throw me away like trashWill you understand? A blessing or curseWhat twin would leave their best friendAll alone […]


Selfless Sacrifice: A Painful Payoff

I am always saddened when I hear yet another personal story from a caretaker twin who ended up feeling abandoned and betrayed. Whether this resulted from a move, a marriage, a conflict, or a death, the consequent fallout induces tremendously unpleasant feelings and emotional instability. I spoke the other day with a thirty-five-year old male fraternal twin whose brother is getting married in a few weeks. He reached out to me because he could not make sense of the unnerving […]


Twin Love

Can you love your twin more than anyone else and still make room for other significant relationships? An ashamed female patient recently asked if loving her twin more than her children and husband was inappropriate. I have personally interacted with many twin pairs who forthrightly acknowledge that their connection far surpasses all other intimate bonds. Why are some pairs able to live comfortably with this dynamic while others feel conflicted? Generally speaking, I believe the distinguishing factor is the degree […]
